Leya April 2019- by Chris Print.jpg

Hello, my name is Leya.

I have been a full-time photographer and artist for 14 years. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. 

Growing up with dyslexia and ADHD, I have always been a visual thinker with an innate strength for communicating with images… Not so much with words.

Sincerely understanding how important it is to have a voice despite our individual differences, and how meaningful it is for everyone to clearly communicate has led me to discover all kinds of different visual and physical ways to tell stories.

My passions and fearless curiosity have led me on many adventures; dedicating my life to documenting and sharing stories. Creating art with the intention of connecting people to each other, our place in time, and, our environment.

I am grateful to have the great privilege of building a space, Magpie Cove, which honours compassion and respect for experience. 

I have spent the last 18 years travelling the world. Learned there is far more that connects us than can ever separate us; people everywhere have a story worth telling.

I want to help share these stories. Human Stories. I want to express my own personal experiences - and leave space for individuals to ask their own questions; come at things from another direction… maybe even build some beautiful bridges. 

Can we draw our feelings already?

“Following The Sinny.

Committed To Being A Good Ripple.

Cultivating Compassion.”

Leya Russell, Founder and Resident Artist of Magpie Cove.

If you wanted to check out my photography- check out my website below